Prepare for the Development Conversation
Correct! It’s time for Taylor to initiate the first stage of development planning, which is to prepare for the development conversation.
- Use the Development Planning Checklist for guidance in completing the Development Planning Discussion Guide.
- CSL has adopted the GROW model to outline Goals, assess current Reality, explore Options, and map a Way forward.
- Taylor’s goal is to move into supply chain.
- His reality is that he has limited experience in supply chain and in managing people.
- His options include either making a vertical move within engineering or pursuing a vertical move in supply chain.
- His way forward is developing skills to move toward that vertical move.
- Taylor should complete the Development Planning Discussion Guide to help shape development discussions and plans, including identifying skill sets he wants to focus on developing, such as the following:
- Economics and market dynamics
- Flexibility
- Project management
- Collaboration
- APICS CSCP certification
- ASCM supply chain certificates
- Determine key points for the discussion with his people leader.
After preparing for the development conversation, which stage is next for Taylor?